Mount Sinai

Million Health

Discoveries Program


Watch the video below to learn more.




After watching the video above, please continue with reading through the detailed consent related to this study here.

About the Study

The Mount Sinai Million Health Discoveries Program aims to enroll one million Mount Sinai patients to better understand how genes influence our health. By looking at a large and diverse group of patients, we will be able to understand how to treat different diseases in patients of all races, ages, and genders. With your help, we can increase representation in research and potentially improve care for millions of people!

In this real-world study, we will enroll one million Mount Sinai patients over the next 5 years at a scale and speed never before achieved in the world of medicine. Currently, only a small group of patients participate in research and we’re hoping with this study to get a more diverse group of patients involved in research! If a large group of people participate, discoveries from this study will hopefully lead to new medicines to treat, cure, and prevent disease for everyone! This study will be the largest sequencing project of its kind and will make Mount Sinai the most powerful precision medicine institute in the world.


Our Mission

Our mission is to be able to understand how to treat different diseases in patients of all races, ages, and genders.

Joining the study

Who is eligible to join?

Anyone receiving care at Mount Sinai is able to join the Mount Sinai Million Health Discoveries Program.

Why should I join?
By joining the Mount Sinai Million Health Discoveries Program, you will be able to contribute to our understanding of how genes influence our health and how they interact with the environment. With your help, we can move medicine forward and work to discover how to prevent and treat diseases in the future!

How can I join?
You can join online, in person, or over the phone.

What is involved?

If you choose to participate, you will need to review and sign a consent form and answer 3 questions. We will need to collect a blood sample from you but we can collect it from your routine clinical care. If you would like to add more data to the research, you can choose to have additional health surveys sent to you up to 6 times a year.


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